Dienstag, Oktober 18, 2005

CD - Book

CD Book with 108 pages - Design by: K.L.Leiter

Turn on - Tune in

Ordinary Magic



Montag, Oktober 17, 2005

Light and Luminosity

Abstract painting with light - unmanipulated paintings with a digital camera - more you find here

Photo + Calligraphy

A huge portfolio of different photographies are waiting to be combined with other elements - scuh as Calligraphy for example. More samples here

Movement and Dance - No Still-Life Photographie

"Ein Tag, an dem nicht getanzt wurde, ist ein verlorener Tag" - Nach F.Nietzsche


Have a cup of tea ... Goldene Momente

Simple moments - the brilliance and luminosity of so called ordinary things. More?

Intensity - Durchdringende Emotionen

Some images evoke hidden dreams - the intensity of nightmares - the beauty of fear. More?

Sex-Appeal - Die Kunst der Verführung

The seduction of images - a playful game of images and emotons. More?

A Closer Look - Wenn man genau hinschaut...

The combination of photographie with painterly techniques make those kind of illustrations something special. More?


Classical Paintings transformed into a new one ... More?


There is a huge collection of collages available - some of them in a old fashioned retro style - others metallic cool and modern.
